From charity to creativity : philanthropic foundations in the 21st century ; perspectives from Britain and beyond /
Anheier, Helmut K.
From charity to creativity : philanthropic foundations in the 21st century ; perspectives from Britain and beyond / by Helmut K. Anheier and Diana Leat - 235 S.
1873667167 9781873667163
Stiftung / 21. Jh.
Philanthropie / Stiftung
Karitativer Verein
Stiftung / 21. Jh.
Philanthropie / Stiftung
Stiftung / 21. Jh.
Philanthropie / Stiftung
From charity to creativity : philanthropic foundations in the 21st century ; perspectives from Britain and beyond / by Helmut K. Anheier and Diana Leat - 235 S.
1873667167 9781873667163
Stiftung / 21. Jh.
Philanthropie / Stiftung
Karitativer Verein
Stiftung / 21. Jh.
Philanthropie / Stiftung
Stiftung / 21. Jh.
Philanthropie / Stiftung