How to support civil society facing the COVID-19 crisis? : Observations from the UK on advocacy efforts and government response /
Ferrell-Schweppenstedde, Daniel
How to support civil society facing the COVID-19 crisis? : Observations from the UK on advocacy efforts and government response / Daniel Ferrell-Schweppenstedde - Observatorium Nr. 42 . - Maecenata Observatorium Nr. 42 .
Namensnennung-Nicht kommerziell-Keine Bearbeitungen 3.0 Deutschland
How to support civil society facing the COVID-19 crisis? : Observations from the UK on advocacy efforts and government response / Daniel Ferrell-Schweppenstedde - Observatorium Nr. 42 . - Maecenata Observatorium Nr. 42 .
Namensnennung-Nicht kommerziell-Keine Bearbeitungen 3.0 Deutschland