Feinstein, Andrew Hale After the party : corruption, the ANC and South Africa's uncertain future / Andrew Feinstein - 1. publ. - XVII, 301 S. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 1844673561 : £14.99 (hbk.) 9781844673568 : £14.99 (hbk.) LCCN: 2009284410 Nat. Bib. Agency Control No.: 014932996 UK Subjects--Personal Names: Feinstein, Andrew 1964- Subjects--Corporate Names: African National Congress Subjects--Topical Terms: Political activistsSüdafrikaPolitische KorruptionAfrican National CongressWaffenhandel--South Africa--BiographyPolitical corruptionSüdafrikaPolitische KorruptionAfrican National CongressWaffenhandel--South Africa Subjects--Geographic Terms: South Africa--Politics and government--1994-