TY - BOOK AU - Burdett,Ricky AU - Sudjic,Deyan ED - London School of Economics and Political Science TI - The endless city : : the Urban Age Project by the London School of Economics and Deutsche Bank's Alfred Herrhausen Society / SN - 9780714859569 PY - 2010/// CY - London [u.a.] : PB - Phaidon Press, KW - Urbanization KW - Metropole KW - Stadtentwicklung KW - Stadt KW - Wachstum KW - Verstätterung KW - Urban policy KW - City planning KW - Globalization UR - https://external.dandelon.com/download/attachments/dandelon/ids/FL0029946C63AA781D9B1C1257D5F0052142D.pdf ER -