The diversity of democracy : corporatism, social order and political conflict /
ed. by Colin Crouch and Wolfgang Streeck
- XVII, 260 S. grafische Darstellungen
The study of organized interests : before 'the century' and after Wolfgang Streeck -- The study of organized interests : before 'the century' and after Wolfgang Streeck Neo-corporatism and democracy Colin Crouch -- From corporatist unions to protest unions? On the (difficult) relations between organized labour and new social movements Donatella della Porta -- From democracy to democratization : before and after : transitions from authoritarian rule Terry Karl -- Democratization and the popular interest regime in Latin America Ruth Berins Collier -- Making capitalism compatible with democracy : tentative reflections from the 'East' L(c)Łszl(c)đ Bruszt -- The problem of legitimacy in the European polity : is democratization the answer? Claus Offe and Ulrich K. Preuss -- The neo-functionalists were (almost) right : politicization and European integration Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks -- Collective participation in the European Union : the 'Euro corporatism' debate Gerda Falkner -- Postscriptum : working with Philippe Guillermo O'Donnell Neo-corporatism and democracy Colin Crouch From corporatist unions to protest unions? On the (difficult) relations between organized labour and new social movements Donatella della Porta From democracy to democratization : before and after : transitions from authoritarian rule Terry Karl Democratization and the popular interest regime in Latin America Ruth Berins Collier Making capitalism compatible with democracy : tentative reflections from the 'East' László Bruszt The problem of legitimacy in the European polity : is democratization the answer? Claus Offe and Ulrich K. Preuss The neo-functionalists were (almost) right : politicization and European integration Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks Collective participation in the European Union : the 'Euro corporatism' debate Gerda Falkner Postscriptum : working with Philippe Guillermo O'Donnell.
1845426134 hardcover 9781845426132 : hardcover
9781845426132 2006002661
013500337 UK
Corporate state Demokratie Kapitalismus Sozialer K onflikt Demokratiesierung Osteuropa Lateinamerika Europäische Union Politologie Politische Systeme Politischer Konflikt neu 2-2021 Social conflict Demokratie Kapitalismus Sozialer K onflikt Demokratiesierung Osteuropa Lateinamerika Europäische Union Politologie Politische Systeme Politischer Konflikt neu 2-2021 Democracy Demokratie Kapitalismus Sozialer K onflikt Demokratiesierung Osteuropa Lateinamerika Europäische Union Politologie Politische Systeme Politischer Konflikt neu 2-2021