Europeanization in Sweden : Opportunities and Challenges for Civil Society Organizations / ed. by Roberto Scaramuzzino, Anna Meeuwisse - 1 Online-Ressource (312 p.) - Studies on Civil Society 10 .

Frontmatter Contents List of Tables Preface List of Abbreviations Introduction: Europeanization, Civil Society, and the Swedish Welfare State Section I Chapter 1 Europeanization of and by Civil Society: Toward an Analytical Framework Chapter 2 The Dual Role of European Union Civil Society Organizations: Between European Union Institutions and Domestic Civil Societies Section II Chapter 3 Europeanization of Swedish Civil Society: Motives, Activities, and Perceived Consequences Chapter 4 Factors Explaining Swedish Civil Society Organizations' Europeanization Chapter 5 Access to the European Union and the Role of Domestic Embeddedness Section III Chapter 6 Europeanization through Funding Chapter 7 From Popular Movements to Social Businesses: Social Entrepreneurship as Discursive Europeanization Chapter 8 Varying Degrees of Europeanization in Swedish Women's Organizations Chapter 9 Questioning the Swedish Model or Exporting It? Identity Europeanization in the Prostitution Policy Field Chapter 10 Promoting Consumer Rights in Sweden by Lobbying and Awareness-Raising Abroad Chapter 11 The Crisis of the European Union: Opportunity or Graveyard for a European Civil Society? Section IV Concluding Remarks Appendixes Index

Open Access

Notwithstanding its many successes since 1945, the project of European integration currently faces major difficulties, from financial crises and mass immigration to the impending departure of the UK from the European Union. At the same time, these challenges have spurred civil society organizations within and across Europe, revealing a shared public sphere in which citizens can mobilize around refugee rights, opposition to austerity policies, and other issues. Europeanization in Sweden assembles new empirical research on how these processes have played out in one of the continent's wealthiest nations, providing insights into whether, and how, the "Swedish model" can guide European integration

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10.1515/9781789209839 doi