Richter, Thomas

Reduced Scope for Action Worldwide for Civil Society - Online-Ressource, 13 S. - GIGA Focus Global Bd. 5 . - GIGA Focus Global Bd. 5 .

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Abstract: Civil society actors have been increasingly watched over by state officials around the world in recent years. At the same time, they are exposed to increasing restrictions and repression. The civil society revolution of the 1980s has hence given way of late to a civil society counter-revolution. The debates on the restriction of civil society's scope for action are definitionally as well as empirically highly fragmented, and do not show a consistent picture. A generally applicable explanation for these developments does not exist to date, however. Since about 2010, the historical data of the V-Dem project has shown that civic room for manoeuvre has been increasingly restricted across all regions of the world. In the historical longue durée since 1946, this deterioration is still low. In addition, there are important yet thus far largely ignored differences between world regions. The fragmented picture is partly related to the lack of a yardstick that would define the legitimate lim

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urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-60930-1 urn

19,O06 dnb

1187102199 DE-101

(thesoz)politischer Akteur (thesoz)Zivilgesellschaft (thesoz)Demokratieverständnis (thesoz)nichtstaatliche Organisation (thesoz)Repression (thesoz)Unterdrückung (thesoz)Demokratietheorie (thesoz)Friedenssicherung (thesoz)politische Stabilität (thesoz)internationaler Vergleich (thesoz)Freiheitsrecht (thesoz)Messung Demokratieförderung Peacebuilding Friedenschaffende Maßnahmen