Europeanization in Sweden : Opportunities and Challenges for Civil Society Organizations / ed. by Roberto Scaramuzzino, Anna Meeuwisse by
- Hedling, Elsa
- Jacobsson, Kerstin
- Johansson, Håkan
- Kalm, Sara
- Levander, Ulrika
- Meeuwisse, Anna
- Meeuwisse, Anna
- Placido, Matteo Di
- Ruzza, Carlo
- Scaramuzzino, Gabriella
- Scaramuzzino, Roberto
- Scaramuzzino, Roberto
- Stubbergaard, Ylva
- Trägårdh, Lars
- Vilhelmsson, Andreas
- Wennerhag, Magnus
- University of Lund
Series: Studies on Civil Society ; 10
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
Publisher: New York Oxford : Berghahn Books, [2018]©2018
Availability: Items available for reference: Maecenata Bibliothek: Not for loan (1)Call number: Online-Ressource.